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The Ultimate
90 Day Financial Bootcamp


The Ultimate 90 Day Financial Bootcamp

Stop the chokehold your finances (or lack thereof 👀) have on your life – it’s time to break free from financial overwhelm and start loving your life with Liberate, your 90 day journey to a healthy money mindset system you’ll actually stick to without crying.

If you’re someone who avoids checking your bank account or saves every penny for a hypothetical rainy day, and you find yourself saying, “I work so hard but I can’t ever catch up to my money – I wish I could just enjoy spending for once” – this budgeting-free bootcamp is for you.


Let’s face the cold, hard facts:


You don’t have a lot of “fun” because even though you make great money – you feel guilty about enjoying your life – and it’s ruining your life.


You are ready to make a major impact in your life but dont know how to get out from under financial stress.


You feel like you are successful and yet have nothing to show for it (you won’t feel successful because you don’t allow yourself to).


You have BIG dreams, but don’t know how to make them happen.

And budgeting ain’t doing it for you.
(What’s the point of saving so much if you’re miserable 24/7 about it?)


You feel disconnected from reality. You’ve achieved the life you’ve always envisioned for yourself
but it doesn’t FEEL that way.


You’re neglecting the quality of your life: wearing the same clothes, beat-up car, never leaving your house, saving for a big purchase
Are you really living?


You’re self-aware of your problem
 but you’re stuck and don’t know what moves to make.

Here’s the secret – you are not alone – no one has this shit figured out.

The whole point of saving is to pay for the life that you want – without the anxiety of paying extra for guac.

Teaching your brain how to see money without impulsivity or restriction is the only way to build the freedom-based, shame-free lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

It’s time to bring the fun (yes I said it) back into your life and build healthy saving habits without hating your life while doing it.

It’s time to stop depriving yourself of timeless memories you can’t ever get back.

Do you really want to look back on these years of survival in regret of missing out on fun shows and events, date nights, family Disney trips, busy takeout laughs, or coffee with colleagues?

You’ll miss out on a life worth living because you were afraid.

Nope. Your obsessive shame spiral ends now. Sound too good to be true? IT’S NOT. And, it’s a lot simpler than you think it is.


The days of beating yourself up are about to end. 

It’s time for a new money boss in town…that’s YOU.

Here is how Liberate: The Ultimate 90 Day Financial Bootcamp is a gamechanger for you:


Own your spending patterns (and the emotions that come with them) so you can control your biggest triggers


Become financially secure by understanding how your money decisions today impact you 6 months from now…and years to come.  This is BIG PICTURE financial thinking!


Break your finances down and have a system in place so that you always have money for necessities, savings, and fun so that you can actually love your life.  (even while you’re paying down debt!)


Remove your restrict-binge cycle again and gain a new-found confidence when it comes to managing the money you work so hard for

Most people create budgets in order to control their spending impulses in hopes of creating more savings
but if you really want to save more and enjoy your life you have to Stop Budgeting!
There is no magic balance in your bank accounts and investments that will make you feel better. You will continue to have anxiety and feel compelled to save more, because this isn’t actually a rational fear based on numbers — this is psychological.
Instead of denying yourself the joy of being a free adult, you need to learn how to make room for fun, funds, and future by splitting up your money and prioritizing healthy spending — all while building up your savings.

Imagine a life where your money supports your flying off to Maui dreams, not just your bills. That’s the freedom we’re talking about, the one where you focus on your passions – not an unrealistic bank account number.


What if you could actually enjoy your life again while building wealth with a peace of mind? That means never feeling that anxiety tornado in your stomach everytime you swipe that damn credit card.


You worked so hard for your money
can you envision a future where you’re actually addicted to feeling good about spending and saving sustainably (without being a tyrant about it!)

A glimpse into your future. Imagine how it will feel…


😕 From not enjoying “expensive” dinners because all you can think about is how much it costs and how you’d rather be saving that money, to creating a flexible plan that gives you the freedom to spend your money, your way 🎉

😕From blaming everyone for not teaching you about financial literacy to being the go-to person in your family or work circle 🎉

😕From getting panic attacks every single time you look at your bank account with scrunched eyes, to looking forward to checking it and being amazed at your own killer progress 🎉

Imagine kicking-ass on those financial goals you never thought were possible for you?

Yeah. That.

If you are ready to make this transformation for yourself then

Step inside the world of Liberate: The Ultimate 90 Day Financial Bootcamp

No more toxic financial diets, it’s time to change your mindset so you can live a life you’re proud of – one where you deserve to feel confident and in control of your money – not enslaved to it.

Join a proven system that will teach you how you can increase your savings by 20-30% that’s worked for all my clients – without all the restrictive toxicity paralyzing your every purchase.

90 Days to Alter the Course of your Life FOREVER.



Decode Your Financial DNA

Achieve clarity around your money mindset.

Identify and redirect financial roadblocks.

Reframe your past money experiences and break through inherited beliefs.



Financial Impact & Wealth Building

Become the master of your cash flow.

Amplify your financial superpowers.

Implement long-term wealth-building strategies.



Integration, Redesign & Momentum

Integrate new financial habits.

Redesign your entire financial life.

Renegotiate your relationship with money, aligning it with your core values.

Learn how to take strategic action that will reshape your entire financial future and life!

Total Value: $27,500!


(3) Monthly Mastermind Meetings


(1) ANNUAL Access PASS to Online Community & Courses:


(1) Ticket to LIBERATE Event bring your plus one! live in Las Vegas:



4 Private 90-Minute Coaching Sessions with Lisa


Weekly virtual lunch & learns by hand selected experts



BONUS Half-Day Business Finance Intensive


BONUS Half-Day Tax Planning Intensive





The time is now.

Investment Options:

Single Participant: $9,997

Couples/Partners: $14,997

Results like these could be waiting for you:

{"Working with Lisa Chastain, the financial industry’s top money coach, has been absolutely transformative to my career and personal life. Her expert guidance, personalized approach, and ability to connect at a deep level has helped me to rewire past belief systems I created. Her technique and resources have given me the confidence and drive to take control of my financial situation and build a solid foundation for my future." Morgan Reilly-Sherwood, Financial Breakthrough Coach
{"Working with Lisa has been one of the most pivotal decisions I have made both personally and professionally. Lisa has really helped me understand my personal habits and didn’t try to change who I was, but lean in and make better decisions on my personal spending habits. Professionally, she has taught me SO much and given me confidence for understanding my business financials. She has been an amazing CFO and money coach and my business is on its way to hit 7 figures next year and I’m almost completely out of credit card debt." Owner, First Choice Insurance Agency
mystery person
{"What I love about having Lisa as a money coach is that she meets you where you are! It’s not about budget with her it’s about finding what works for my family and I and then building a strategy around it. Lisa has taught me that money success starts with breaking old beliefs that no longer serve me and my “relationship” with money has never been better. Lisa has created a strategy that is simple and sustainable for my family and I. I also learned that I am more of the spender when I always thought it was my wife! 😁 I highly recommend Lisa to achieve your financial goals! She is THE best!" Miles Reynolds President at Legendary Sports Construction
{"Lisa = KEEP leveling Up! Paid off 40k in debit, lived with a man after 15 yrs, moved to my own beach house in CA, grew my company to 6 figures
 NEED I SAY MORE! She is my badass money coach!" -Melissa Blynn CEO of EpicLuv
{"I have always had a relationship with money that I could never quite put my finger on. Growing up without it, I created incredibly bad habits around money. Getting to know my “Money Type” was only just scratching the surface. The tools that Lisa created, provides, and teaches you how to navigate each month are instrumental to the growth that I have had. Lisa is just there without judgment, without an agenda, and with an ease about her that makes doing this work so much easier than I would have ever thought. It doesn’t happen overnight, though, after each and every call, I walk away with more confidence and clarity than I have ever had." - Sonia Petkewich
{"As a financial coach, Lisa helps her clients with the basics of money management. Her goal is to help her clients develop healthy money habits that will last throughout all the ups of downs of life when it comes to money. Lisa educates her clients on the basics of personal finance and works with them to create a plan that reflects their goals. One of the best things about Lisa is that she has the innate ability to empower her clients to take responsibility for their decisions. Lisa helps her clients develop plans to achieve their goals, then acts as their accountability partner as clients put their plans into action. Lisa is the best!" -Susan Schultz
{"Working with Lisa has brought me from not understanding money to getting to know my spending habits, consistently looking at the numbers in my business, feeling much more in control of my financial life, and so much more. Every experience I get with Lisa allows me to have so many aha moments and gain clarity in so many parts of my life. I need an accountability partner to tackle the areas of my life that I resist and avoid. Lisa comes at this role with so much warmth and caring, you can truly tell she loves what she does. I truly think everyone would benefit from investing in learning from her." - Casey Jade
{“Two years ago, my husband and I were in debt and honestly, I just felt like I was barely treading water. It seemed like no matter how much money we made we were always in the same boat. Broke & in debt. I was tired of wasting so much time and energy on being stressed and worried about money. I decided something had to change and the Universe immediately sent me Lisa! ...Not only has she helped us with our money and our finances but she's completely changed my life
.She helped me find clarity around my purpose, my dreams, and what I want my life to look like. I am forever grateful she came into my life!” – Andrea Haughey

Meet Lisa

Imagine standing on the edge, feeling like everything beneath you is crumbling. That was me in 2016—buried in debt, facing a broken marriage, and watching my business unravel. I felt trapped, stuck in a cycle of fear, frustration, and shame.

But here’s what I realized: I didn’t just need more money—I needed freedom from the stress and limitations that money had placed on my life. That’s where Financial Liberation comes in. It’s not just about hitting a certain number in your bank account—it’s about breaking free from the shame and guilt that weigh you down. It’s about feeling empowered to make decisions that align with your values and goals, without the constant fear of financial failure.

I’ve been where you are, and I know how isolating it can feel. But the days of being overwhelmed by money are over. As a money coach, my mission is to help incredible women like you escape the chains of financial stress. Together, we’ll move beyond restrictive budgets and embrace a framework of healthy spending that lets you enjoy your life now while building a secure future. Financial Liberation means having control, confidence, and the freedom to live life on your terms—because you deserve abundance and joy without compromise.

Let’s rewrite your financial story, so you can step into a future full of peace, flexibility, and meaningful memories.

In addition to working with me each month you’ll have access to master level experts who will support you in crafting your unique wealth narrative.

Meet your wealth activation team!

Nona Djavid

Dr. Nona Djavid is a chiropractor, life coach, author, and entrepreneur who has significantly impacted the fields of health, personal growth, and business coaching. Originally from a third-world country where women’s freedoms were severely restricted, she immigrated to the United States at age 16. Despite not knowing much English at the time, she persevered through high school and later graduated from UC Berkeley and Life Chiropractic College West.

Dr. Djavid founded the SoulScale weight loss program, which focuses on helping individuals achieve sustainable weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. She is also the creator of the Part Time Million Dollar Chiropractic, a coaching system designed to help chiropractors build successful, value-driven practices without burnout.

As an advocate for personal empowerment, Dr. Djavid is known for her motivational speaking, coaching programs, and her book, eLIVate Your Life, where she outlines the seven pillars of personal transformation. She is also a certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioner and a Platinum Partner with Tony Robbins.

Maurice Philogene

Maurice Philogene is a multifaceted entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, and public servant. He is a Managing Partner at Quattro Capital, specializing in real estate investments, with over 300 acquisitions and a portfolio that includes single-family homes, apartments, and mobile home parks across several U.S. states. Philogene is also a lifestyle design and wealth coach, known for helping individuals achieve financial freedom by leveraging real estate and other ventures to generate passive income and build legacy wealth.

In addition to his business ventures, Maurice has had a 23-year career as a Senior Executive at Accenture, a global consulting firm, and served as a Lieutenant Colonel and Federal Agent in the U.S. Air Force. He also works as a police officer in Montgomery County, Maryland, reflecting his commitment to public service. He has traveled extensively, exploring over 100 countries, which has fueled his passion for geographic freedom and lifestyle design.

Philogene’s work is centered on the principles of freedom—financial, time, geographic, and the freedom to build meaningful relationships. Through his coaching, he helps individuals break free from the conventional work-life model to live a life they don’t need a vacation from.

Feel happy spending with a 30 day money-back guarantee

With our 30-day money-back guarantee, you can try Liberate with zero worries. If it’s not for you, simply get a full refund—no questions asked.

There’s absolutely nothing to lose. You stand only to gain that financial stability you’ve been craving all these years but put off. Don’t put it off a second longer.

Now’s the time to finally feel happy spending. And not only is it possible – it’s happening now. You’re only one decision away from that exhilarating freedom of never experiencing money anxiety again.

Don’t save everything and forget to live your life.

Sign up now. It’s time to start living.