What if the secret to improving your personal finances has nothing to do with numbers?

After all… Beliefs + behaviors = Your bank account

It’s why I take all of my coaching clients through this Money Personality Course when we start working together and for the first time ever, this game-changing tool is now available to YOU

Only $19.97
Regular price: $197

What if the secret to improving your personal finances has nothing to do with numbers?

After all… Beliefs + behaviors = Your bank account

It’s why I take all of my coaching clients through a Money Personality assessment when we start working together and for the first time ever, this game-changing tool is now available to YOU

Only $19.97
Regular price: $197

Introducing the Money Personality Course

By understanding your unique money personality, you’ll uncover the deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors that have been quietly shaping your financial decisions. 

Whether you’re a Spender, Saver, Giver, Dreamer, or Avoider (and yes – you can be more than one), you’ll learn how to make your unique Money Personality your greatest financial asset!

With comprehensive assessments, personalized insights, and actionable strategies, you’ll finally be able to manage your money with confidence and clarity.


Imagine a life where financial decisions empower you rather than cause stress, shame, or guilt.

Let me help make that a reality for you. 

With this course, you’ll learn how to:

Understand your unique money personality and how it affects your decisions with money

Leverage your strengths to achieve your financial goals easier and faster 

Lean into your natural instincts to maximize your saving and investing potential

Communicate more effectively and compassionately about money with your partner, friends, and family

What Women Love About Working With Lisa

“I would not be where I am today without Lisa Chastain. I always felt like a failure and she helped me tackle my old money mindsets and helped me break free. With her guidance I am able to go after my bigger dreams and goals.”

– Kim Schaaf

Meet Your Money Coach – Lisa Chastain

A renowned expert in personal finance, Lisa Chastain is dedicated to empowering passionate and successful women to overcome the shame and guilt surrounding their finances. Lisa has built her entire career supporting individuals to rewire their money mindset and adopt a strategic framework to focus on healthy spending rather than restrictive budgeting. Lisa’s approach to financial freedom empowers women to shed the burden of financial shame, unlock their potential and create a life filled with financial security and freedom to live in the moment.

Lisa’s three account system provides a transformative journey regardless of where individuals are currently or where they aspire to be financially. Through her guidance, clients gain peace of mind as their savings grow and bills are paid – while still having the flexibility to indulge guilt-free and enjoy life. Lisa’s expertise and support enables women to build wealth and develop a newfound confidence in managing their financial resources.

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