The Real Money 2023 Wrap-Up

2024 Vision: Women Leading Financial Conversations In the 2023 wrap-up episode of the Real Money podcast, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on my personal growth and share some insights with you. Over the past year, I have taken a deep dive into my own...

Brandon Steiner

From Welfare to Wealth with Brandon Steiner Today on Real Money, I had the pleasure of speaking with Brandon Steiner, a national icon in the world of sports marketing. Brandon grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and his book, “You Gotta Have Balls,” tells the...

Felicia Wong

Wealth Building Secrets for Guilt-Free Spending with Felicia Wong Welcome to today’s episode of the Real Money Podcast, a platform that aims to bring real, honest, and vulnerable conversations into the money space. I founded The Real Money Podcast in 2021 because I...

Nicole Rueth

Real Estate Options Over Fear: Nicole Rueth’s Guide to Building Wealth As a mortgage lending expert with over 22 years of experience, my guest today, Nicole Rueth, has seen the ups and downs of the real estate market. Today, she’s excited to share her insights...

Real Money and Women Walk in Your Worth Many women face challenges when breaking into the broadcasting industry, especially in the early stages of their careers. For example, Sue Herera, a prominent journalist and news anchor, struggled to find work after...

Denna Atkinson

Why It’s Never Too Late: A 71-Year-Old’s Financial Transformation Journey Denna Atkinson, a 71-year-old money coach, has had her own financial struggles before becoming a coach just a few years ago. In this episode of Real Money, Lisa Chastain interviews...