Taking the Leap and Turning Your Side Hustle into a Career

by | Oct 31, 2022

If you’re like a LOT of women in America today, you might be either rocking a side hustle or seriously considering starting one. In today’s age of the internet and technology, turning your passion into a side hustle is absolutely possible. If you’ve got something valuable for others, there’s a way to share that with others. It’s possible to turn your side hustle into an actual career! For so many women, the idea of leaving the constraints of a more traditional/corporate job to pursue something they love is a dream. If you’ve been curious, let’s look at ways to make that a reality. 

Creating your own financial future on your own terms 

Side hustles are a great way to start something new while still actively earning money. The stability of a regular job minimizes risk, and allows you to explore and determine what you like and what you don’t like. The kicker is that they are usually on the side of a more conventional full-time job, which means your time is limited. The classic dilemma presents itself: do you stay in the relative security of the day job and do your best with the side hustle, or do you jump in and make that side hustle a full-on career? 

There’s no shortage of ways to earn more cash flow with freelance gigs like tech, marketing and writing, crafting, videography, IT work, and so much more. There’s no doubt that the pandemic got people to start thinking creatively about how to make money.  In a recent survey, 54% of respondents thought about or did start a side hustle due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with some seeing success they never thought possible within their nine-to-five jobs. Gig sites like Upwork have seen a 50% increase in registration volume, and there has never been so much potential in remote work as there is now. 

Your Biggest Resource: Time 

Starting your side hustle while working your day job will require you to reorganize your time.  According to a study by the Academy of Management, businesses that are launched while the founder is still employed and only later become that founder’s full-time focus are one-third less likely to fail than those that started out as full-time ventures.

The answer to when it’s time to stop the J.O.B. and turn your side hustle into a career often comes down to time. Time is an investment, just like money. That includes the hours you spend balancing both careers instead of time with family and friends. If it’s going to stand the test of time, you cannot not afford to take some time to build a strong foundation.  You’ll know when it’s time to take the risk because your side hustle can’t grow anymore when you run out of time.

Here are a few important factors to consider when it’s time to turn that side hustle into a full-time heart-and-soul career. 

Side Hustle To Career To-Do’s

Track the numbers. 

Turning your side hustle into a career means getting really clear on your numbers. How much are you making, spending, and keeping every month is the best place to start.  There is no need to overcomplicate the way you look at your money for your small business.  How much is your job bringing in, and how much is your side hustle bringing in? Track those side hustle expenses, too – how much does it cost to produce your product, market and sell it? You need to know these numbers so you can build a road map to your dream career. 

Look (and prepare) before you leap. 

Creating safeguards for yourself financially can help keep things stable as you transition your side hustle into a career. Work with a money coach, financial advisor, business coach, or another professional who will help you prepare for the transition.  Not only will you need to have a solid support system for the finance side of things, making sure you have a healthy mindset when it comes to your money and life is just as important.  Big transitions can be stressful, be prepared with a coach who can support you with maintaining healthy mindset so you can stay in action.

Have a money meeting with your partner, if applicable.  

If you’ve got a partner, bringing them into the mix with a discussion about finances keeps everyone on the same page. If adjustments need to happen, extra time to prepare and plan together can really smooth the path. For example, arrangements with health insurance, mortgage, and living expenses may need to be modified, and being on the same page with your partner can prevent undue stress. 

Check your mindset. 

This is worth saying again. Taking a leap into the unknown brings up all kinds of scary thoughts, and you want to do everything possible to ensure your success!  Living and thriving in a growth mindset keeps you moving in a forward direction even though you may have tough days.  As a new business owner, you will have tough days, and when you’re working with a coach, you can shift faster and create results faster.  Taking control of your financial future by getting to know your beliefs and attitudes about money can be a total game-changer. Dive into more mindset talk right here to learn more.

Face your fears – yes, you can! 

Everyone has money fears, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t. Facing your fears and taking the jump from job to dream takes bravery. The fear may never totally go away…I still feel fear from time to time.  Knowing what your fears actually are gives you the ability to work with and through them, so they don’t own you and stop you from taking the risks you’ll need to as a business owner.  The timing may never be perfect, and that doesn’t have to stop you from taking the risk.

Launching your side hustle with a website

It’s easier than ever to put together a fully operational website to fully launch your small business from a side hustle into a full-time career. You’ll need it in order to reach and sell to a limitless market. While it can seem daunting, it’s not as hard as you might think to actually host and operate your very own business website. I’m a fan of Squarespace and Wix – they are less expensive than other website hosts and user-friendly.  

Taking your business online by hosting a website starts with learning the basics. Even beginners can figure it out, I promise! Fire up a nice cup of coffee and read some excellent tips for developing and running a great website right here.  

Believe in yourself, and you’ll go as far as you want with your side hustle 

Bringing that side hustle front and center for your whole career is possible.  It takes planning and investing in yourself.  You’ll be required to believe in yourself (even when others don’t), and do work that you love.  Those are keys to success.  When I was launching my business and writing my book, it was my determination and belief in myself that kept me going.  You’ll need that above all else.  The rest?  Plan, and enroll the support of others.  That’s a winning formula.  Working on your mindset is a game-changer – and – it is a lifelong process.  Every level of success requires a leveled-up mindset.  As much as selling the thing you love to sell is important, taking care of yourself will pay dividends for the rest of your life.  The key to success is believing in yourself.  Second to that is making sure you have a support system.  After that, the sky’s the limit!

If you’re looking for a supportive group of women to help you take confident steps in your financial journey, join mine. If you need help getting your $hit together in a way that works for YOU, join me at my next Money Moves workshop here

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