Financial Coaching

by | Oct 19, 2023

Financial Coach vs. Financial Expert

Many people are seeking financial advice to help them save money and live their best life. With financial experts all over social media and the internet, it can be overwhelming to know who to trust and follow. However, it is important to understand the differences between financial experts and coaches to find the right person for you.

Financial experts may have a lot of knowledge about money, but they may not necessarily have a financial background or experience in coaching. On the other hand, financial coaches have a background and experience in finance or coaching, and they are trained to help you figure out how to achieve your financial goals and arrange your finances. Additionally, some coaches may have therapy backgrounds to help you work through emotional aspects of your life related to money. It is important to find someone who resonates with you and can help you work through your own financial struggles and limiting beliefs.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the differences between financial experts and coaches is important when seeking financial advice.
  • Financial experts may not have a financial or coaching background, while coaches have experience in finance or coaching.
  • Finding a coach who resonates with you and can help you work through your own financial struggles and limiting beliefs can be beneficial.

Understanding Financial Experts

When it comes to personal finance, there are many financial experts out there who offer advice on various platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and even Netflix. However, it’s important to note that not all financial experts are financial coaches. There is a significant difference between being an expert and being a coach.

Financial experts typically have a vast knowledge of money and personal finance. They may have started their own financial blogs or have backgrounds in journalism or digital marketing. While they can provide great advice and information, it’s essential to be mindful of their background and history in finance.

On the other hand, financial coaches are trained to help individuals set financial goals, achieve them, and work through any emotional aspects of money. They have experience in the finance industry and may have been financial advisers or have financial education. They can help individuals arrange their finances, grow wealth, and invest based on their experience in the finance industry.

It’s important to note that some coaches also have therapy backgrounds and can help individuals work through emotional aspects of their financial lives. Additionally, some coaches may have certifications in specific programs, such as Dave Ramsey’s program, but that doesn’t necessarily make them a certified coach.

Ultimately, finding the right financial expert or coach is about finding someone whose message resonates with you and who you find relatable. It’s important to ask questions about their background and history in finance and coaching to ensure that they are the right fit for you. Having a financial coach who can help you work through your own financial issues and limiting beliefs can be incredibly beneficial in achieving your financial goals and living your best life.

Differences Between Financial Experts and Coaches

One key difference between financial experts and coaches is their approach to helping individuals. Financial experts typically provide advice and information on what has worked for them in the past, while financial coaches focus on helping individuals develop their own strategies for managing money. Coaches are trained to ask questions that help individuals identify their own financial goals and develop a plan to achieve them.

Another difference between financial experts and coaches is their level of training and certification. Many financial experts do not have formal training or certification in finance, while financial coaches typically have both financial and coaching certifications. This means that financial coaches are trained to help individuals work through emotional barriers and develop personalized financial plans.

Overall, while financial experts can provide valuable advice and information, financial coaches offer a more personalized approach to financial management. They are trained to help individuals identify their own financial goals and develop a plan to achieve them, while also addressing any emotional barriers that may be preventing them from reaching their full financial potential.

About Lisa

Lisa talked today about the difference between financial coaches and financial experts and the benefits of both. Last week on her episode of the Real Money Podcast, she spoke with Denna Atkinson, a financial coach on Lisa’s team Check it out today!

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